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Bowing Techniques for the Improvising Bassist
Bowing Techniques for the Improvising Bassist

Bowing Techniques for the Improvising Bassist

Komponist: Goldsby John
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Kontrabass


Includes compositions by and for famous bass players. Highly recommended!
Album Contents:
Bowin' the Blues * Festus Yukan * Grahi * Blues for Sarka * Gotta Git * Roll Down, Roll On. Transcribed Solos: Jimmy Blanton: Sophisticated Lady (Jimmy Blanton) * Mr. J. B. Blue (Jimmy Blanton) * I Got Rhythm (Leroy "Slam" Stewart) * Tale of the Fingers (Paul Chambers) * The Theme (Paul Chambers) * Elsa (Eddie Gomez) * Lava (John Goldsby) * Three Short Stories for Bass and Piano (John Goldsby).
