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Contemporary Rock Styles for the Bass

Komponist: Kelly Gary
Verlagsnummer: HL00696583
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für E-Bass

The book breaks down rock into fifteen of the most important sub-styles. For each sub-style, you get a comprehensive lesson centering on a fully notated "chart" of the music on the CD. The CD contains a performance demo and then a version without the bass for you to play-along.
Rock styles covered: Straight Eighth-note Feel with Stop Time, Medium Rock Stomp, Rock Ballad, Funk Rock, Heavy Rock, Traditional Shuffle, Hard Rock Shuffle, 12/8 Slow Blues (minor), 2-Beat, Train Beat (Country Shuffle), "Bo Diddley" Beat, New Orleans Second Line, Up-tempo Rock-Swing with Stop Time (Rockabilly), Reggae, Rockin' Odd Meters.
