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The Witch and the Saint (CD)

Besetzung: Tonträger (CD)

The Washington Winds unter der Leitung von Edward Petersen.

  1. Fanfare for Freedom (Lloyd Graham)
  2. High and Mighty March (Jewell Fred)
  3. Of Honor and Valor Eternal (Shabazz Ayatey)
  4. On Angel Wings (Huckeby Ed)
  5. The Flight of The Bummble Bee (Rimsky-Korsakov)
  6. Allegro from Concerto for Trumpet (Mozart L.)
  7. The Witch and the Saint (+ Zusatzstimmen) (Reineke Steven)
  8. Annandale Chronicles (Huckeby Ed)
  9. Contrapunctus IX (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
10. Dragons Fly on the Winds of Time (Neeck Larry)
11. Hungarian Dance No. 6 incl. Zusatzstimmen (Brahms Johannes)
12. All those Endearing young Charms (Mantia Simone)
13. 23 Skidoo! ()