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Popular Collection 9 (CD)

Besetzung: Tonträger (CD)

Inhalt: What a difference a day makes - (Is this the way to) Amarillo? - Singin' in the Rain - Sway - Blueberry Hill - So Nice (Summer Samba) - This Guy's in Love with you - Bad, Bad Leroy Brown - Can't Take my eyes off you - Help yourself - Tequila - C'est si bon - Azzurro - Brindisi (Trinklied aus La Traviata) - We are the Champions - Morning has Broken.
(Is This The Way To) Amarillo - Azzurro - Bad, Bad Leroy Brown - Blueberry Hill - Brindisi (Trinklied aus La Traviata) - Can't Take My Eyes Off You - C'est si bon - Help Yourself - Morning Has Broken - Singin' In The Rain - So Nice (Summer Samba) - Sway (Quien Sera) - Tequila - This Guy's In Love With You - We Are The Champions - What A Difference A Day Makes.
