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Pop Classics (CD)

Besetzung: Tonträger (CD)

The London Wind Orchestra unter der Leitung von Marc Reift.

  1. The Final Countdown (Tempest/Larsson)
  2. Bohemian Rhapsody (ohne Chorstimmen) (Mercury Freddie)
  3. We are the Champions (Mercury Freddy)
  4. My Name Is Bond (Norman/Bart)
  5. Chariots of Fire (Vangelis)
  6. Y.M.C.A (Belolo/Morali/Willis)
  7. Music - ohne Chor (Miles John)
  8. Gonna Fly Now - arr. Mortimer (Conti/Conners/Robbins)
  9. Chess - I know him so well & Anthem (ohne Chor) (Andersson/Ulvaeus/R.)
11. Star Wars (Williams John)
12. Thank you for the Music (Ulvaeus/Andersson)
13. 1492 The Conquest of Paradise - OHNE CHOR (Vangelis)
14. Amazing Grace (Traditional)