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Legacy of the Woods (CD)

Besetzung: Tonträger (CD)

The Royal Netherlands Army Band "Johan Willem Friso" unter der Leitung von Norbert Nozy.

  1. Young Pheasants in the Sky (Yagisawa Satoshi)
  2. Legacy of the Woods (Sakai Itaru)
  3. March-Bou-Shu (Yagisawa Satoshi)
  4. Norman Rockwell Suite (Hirose Hayato)
  7. Seaside Road (Sakai Itaru)
  8. Il Cinghiale Di Bronzo (Tanaka Kumiko)
11. Alpine Flowers' Party! (Sakai Itaru)
12. The Banquet of Light (Sakai Takamasa)
13. Hymn to the Infinite Sky (Yagisawa Satoshi)
14. Applause! (Sakai Takamasa)