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Luis "El Huiso"

Komponist: Ferran Ferrer
Gattung: Paso doble
Schwierigkeit: B
Dauer: 4:40 Minuten
Besetzung: Blasorchester


Luis “El Huiso” is a concert pasodoble of a resolutely Spanish nature, imbued with a joyful and lively character. Through these Iberian motifs, the composer pays tribute to Luis Ródenas, the president of the Banda Primitiva de Paiporta in Valencia (Spain). Ferrer Ferran, who is currently the orchestra’s director, wrote this pasodoble to highlight the massive work carried out with so much dedication by its president, who managed to turn this musical ensemble into one of the most prestigious orchestras in Europe, if not the world.
Luis “El Huiso” was premiered at a concert given on 20 November (2010) at Paiporta’s Auditorio Florida by the Banda Primitiva de Paiporta, under the baton of Ferrer Ferran.
